Enerji -Troyworth Energy Corporation
Temelleri Emel Değirmenci tarafından 1999 yılında atılan Formel Group, başta Finans ve Yatırım olmak üzere, Bilişim Teknolojileri, Çevre ve Enerji, Dış Ticaret, Global Acentelik ve Distribütörlük Hizmetleri alanlarında çalışmaktadır.

Enerji -Troyworth Energy Corporation
Municipal & Industrial Solid Waste-to-Power Our Waste-to-Power systems use biomass, municipal, industrial, commercial, and medical waste to generate steam, hot water, potable water and electricity. The facilities are environmentally sound and economical. Waste Water Treatment Our designs and products promote fast de-watering of bio-solids by gravity alone without the need for aerators. Materials treated include waste-waters (municipal&domestic), vegetable wastes, composts, landfill wastes (gas production), mine leachates, and mine tailings for mineral separation. Biogas We offer a wide range of wastewater treatment technologies including anaerobic digestion, aerobic treatment, biogas treatment and utilization, with emphasis on high-BOD industrial wastewaters, bioenergy production and water reuse technologies. ABOUT Troyworth Energy is an Irish investment company whose focus is the engineering, installation and operation of Waste-to-Power, Waste Water Treatment and Biogas systems worldwide. We are part of a network which has completed hundreds of successful projects worldwide.